Indianapolis Colts Evacuation Plan | Indianapolis Colts -

Lucas Oil Stadium

Stadium Evacuation

If it should become necessary to evacuate the stadium for any reason, a message will be played over the public address system informing fans to move to the nearest exit.

-Please proceed CALMLY but QUICKLY to the exits – be patient and courteous of those around you.

-Follow instructions from gameday offifi cials in case it becomes necessary to re-route away from the closest exit for some reason.

-In addition, fans may register for City of Indianapolis Public Safety TEXT MESSAGE ALERTS at

-During an evacuation, fans on the STREET LEVEL should take the steps up from the 100 level and down from the 200 level onto the concourse to then EXIT TO THE NEAREST GATE.

Please Note: The elevators and escalators will NOT be operational. Therefore, fans in SUITES, the LOGE LEVEL (300-400) and TERRACE LEVEL (500-600) should move CALMLY and QUICKLY to and exit through any of the eight stairwells (two in each corner) or the RAMPS (Northwest and Southeast corners).

- Once OUTSIDE the stadium, ALL fans should continue to MOVE AWAY from the building to ensure proper space for EVERYONE to get safely away from the structure.

Lucas Oil Stadium Evacuation Game Plan

Directions for exiting Lucas Oil Stadium in the event of an emergency
